On average 60% of our income comes from hall bookings and 40% comes from fundraising events and donations. We are extremely grateful for all support to ensure your hall is available to the community now and in the future.

If you would like to make a donation, please contact the committee via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or alternatively drop your donation into the hall letterbox (found in the porch). Please download and complete our Charity Gift Aid Declaration if you are allegeable to submit with your donation.

If you would like to make a donation directly to our bank account - please use the following details and use the word DONATION as the reference.

NatWest Bank
West Pennard Village Hall Committee
Sort 60 21 01
Acc 51044919

Charity Name: West Pennard Village Hall (Registered charity no: 233127)

Gift Aid Form

What do we spend money raised in fundraising on?
After we have covered our standard outgoings (such as electricity, heating, rates etc.) our aim to ensure we run the hall as efficiently as possible for the now and the future. Our hall is the centre of our local community and it must always be there for everyone. Therefore it is vital that we deliver on regular maintenance and invest in improvements.

In recent years we have made phenomenal improvements to the hall including a new heating system & boiler, major floor refurbishments, major electrical work, roof improvements, new lighting, fully refurnished ladies toilets and much more.

Our most recent major improvement has been the bar "Mostyns" (named after the Mostyn family who gave the hall to the village). Apart from being fantastic in its own right for community events, it brings in additional income when the hall is hired for private functions.
Do you have an Amazon account

We would be super grateful if you select “West Pennard Village Hall” as your Amazon Smile chosen charity.

Every time you shop… Amazon will donate to your hall at NO cost to you!

Big thanks in advance!