West Pennard & Parish Village Hall

.. is a community owned space that hosts many village activities and offers a great venue for all types of events, functions and sports and social clubs.

Hire the Hall

Hire for Birthday Parties

"West Pennard Hall was a fantastic venue for my son’s joint 3rd birthday. I would highly recommend this venue, not only for the size and utilities but also due the kind and helpful staff who run the hall."

Hire the Hall

West Pennard & Parish Village Hall

.. is a community owned space that hosts many village activities and offers a great venue for all types of events, functions and sports and social clubs.

Hire the Hall

Hold Your Class at the Hall

"I have run weekly yoga classes at WPVH since September 2018. The hall is always clean, tidy, quiet and very welcoming. The new heating system is excellent and keeps us warm."

Find Out More

West Pennard & Parish Village Hall

.. is a community owned space that hosts many village activities and offers a great venue for all types of events, functions and sports and social clubs.

Village Hall Events

West Pennard & Parish Village Hall

.. is a community owned space that hosts many village activities and offers a great venue for all types of events, functions and sports and social clubs.

Hire the Hall

West Pennard & Parish Village Hall

.. is a community owned space that hosts many village activities and offers a great venue for all types of events, functions and sports and social clubs.

Hire the Hall

Regular Monthly Events

First Tuesday of Every Month 10.30 - 12.00
First Wednesday of Every Month 19.00
10.30 -12.00
Third Tuesday of Every Month
West Pennard Village Hall
Handy Pocket Sized Guide

Village Hall Notices & Upcoming Events

Village News

Friday, April 26, 2024
Great lunch and bingo today. Thanks to Dorothy, Dick, Debs, Gillian, Paddy and Lisa for your help.
Thursday, April 04, 2024
Our first play session at West Pennard Village Hall was a great success and we were welcomed by children and parents from the village, as well as...
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Very successful Coffe & Cake and Knife & Tool sharpening day at the Village Hall
Friday, December 08, 2023
As aptly described by Winnie The Pooh ‘Christmas is a togethery sort of time’ and we took those words to heart at the WPVH Christmas lunch & quiz on...

Other Village Information

Village Hall Legends

Our aim is to create a Village Hall WhatsApp Group for those willing to lend a hand when time allows them to do so… from delivering leaflets to helping set-up an event etc.
You won’t be joining the committee (so don’t worry!). We’ll send a message on our group when we need an extra pair of hands.

More information HERE


On average 60% of our income comes from hall bookings and 40% comes from fundraising events and donations.
We are extremely grateful for all support to ensure your hall is available to the community now and in the future.

If you would like to make a donation, more information is available HERE

What do we spend money raised in fundraising on?

In recent years we have made phenomenal improvements to the hall including a new heating system & boiler, major floor refurbishments, major electrical work, roof improvements, new lighting, fully refurnished ladies toilets and much more.

More Information HERE

200 Club

Please pick up your form from the Village Hall porch or download from below.
Shares remain at £10 each, with no limit to shares purchased. Every share is entered into each draw, with half the total raised going into the winning pot for 2024 & the other half into funds for our new kitchen. Be in it to win it!

Form Available HERE

If you think something should be on the website let us know. This website is very much a work in progress

Our aim is to provide you with essential and useful information regarding your village and its hall. If there is something you think should be on it - please let us know.

Make a Suggestion